Government backed school-based nurseries

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27th November

Government backed school-based nurseries plan kicks off with £15 million funding

Government backed school-based nurseries image

The initiative

The government is underway in its plan to deliver 3,000 nurseries by upgrading unused spaces in primary schools across the UK, through its plan to make early years education and childcare more available.

Schools are being invited to bid for a share of £15 million capital funding, with the first wave of allocation to successful applications being in Spring 2025.  This forms part of the government’s Opportunity Mission, breaking down the barrier between background and opportunity, starting with giving every child the best start in life.

All children should have the opportunity of a brilliant early education, no matter who they are, where they’re from or how much their parents earn – Bridget Phillipson, Education Secretary.

What schools need to do

Demonstrate how their proposal meets the needs of their local area, in support of the expansion of government funded hours of childcare and early years education in 2025.

The government is urging schools to discuss, with their local authorities, stakeholders and governing organisations,  pupil place planning and local childcare sufficiency, and next steps for creating a new nursery. 


  • The nursery must be directly linked to a state-funded primary-phase school which already offers some early education provision, such as a reception class.
  • The nursery provision will be governed by that school, or multi-academy trust or will be delivered in partnership with a PVI or childminder, while being housed on school premises.
  • The local authority Early Years Lead and Pupil Place Planning Lead have been consulted and the local authority is content with the use of surplus space for nursery provision, and with the proposal to add new or expanded nursery provision.
  • The relevant freehold landowner (such as a local authority, foundation, trust or relevant religious body) has been consulted ahead of completing the application for capital funding to support SBN provision, and the freehold landowner is content with the use of their land for nursery provision, and consents to any necessary capital works (where necessary).

[source: School-based nurseries capital grant 2024 to 2025 - information for applicants]

School-based nurseries play a vital role in the early years sector. It makes sense that where there is spare capacity in schools and demand in the local area, that the government looks to expand school-based provision - Paul Whiteman, general secretary of the school leader’ union

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